Avaya AuraTM Utility Services
MyPhone Quick Reference


Issue 2

Release 6.2.0

August 2012

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Quick Start 4

Overview of the MyPhone Administration Reference 4

Logging in 4

MyPhone Home Page 5

SIP Interface 5

Manage your contact list 5

Manage your profile details 7

My Permissions 7

Change your SIP PIM Password 8

Manage your call settings 9

Extension to Cellular (EC500) 9

Enhanced Call Forward 10

View and manage your devices 10

Manage your phone features 11

H.323 Interface 12

View your MyPhone details 12

Change the H.323 password 12

Manage your call settings 12

Manage your phone features 13

Logging off 13

MyPhone Quick Reference

Quick Start

The Avaya AuraTM MyPhone Quick Reference Guide describes the MyPhone feature of Utility Services and how to administer simple call routing patterns.

Overview of the MyPhone Administration Reference

MyPhone is a Web-Based utility that lets you manage some of the features of your phone, including the Extension to Cellular or EC500 and Enhanced Call Forward features. These features are typically managed by the system administrator in larger systems. The FollowMe feature of MultiVantage Express is no longer available and has been replaced by the EC500 and Enhanced Call Forward features.

You can access the following interfaces of MyPhone depending on the type of phone you are using:

You use the same extension and security code to log on to the SIP and H.323 interfaces of MyPhone.

Logging in

To log on to the MyPhone Configuration Manager, perform the following actions:

    1. Click View Certificate on the security warning;

    2. Click Install Certificate. The certificate is installed.

MyPhone Home Page

SIP Interface

You can use the SIP interface of MyPhone to do the following:

Manage your contact list

On the left navigation menu, click My Contact List to access the My Contact List page. By default, the My Contact List is displayed when you log on to the SIP interface of the MyPhone Configuration Manager.

Use the My Contact List page to do the following:

Manage your profile details

On the left navigation menu, click My Profile to access the My Profile page.

Use the My Profile page to do the following:

My Permissions

Click My Permissions to specific whether you want to allow other users to track your presence in the SES system.


You can managed the following permission types:

To change a permission type, perform the following actions:

  1. In the Change Permission Type field, click the permission type you want to set.

  2. Click Change.

Access Control List

You can manage the Access Control List as follows:

Change your SIP PIM Password

On the left navigation menu, click Change Password to access the Change Password page.

Important: You must log off from your phone before you can change the SIP PIM password.

To change the SIP PIM password, perform the following actions:

  1. In the Old Password box, type the old password.

  2. In the New Password box, type the new password.
    Use only numeric characters for the new password. The length of the new password must be 6-8 characters.

    Important: Changing the password of the SIP interface changes and synchronises the SES and CM passwords.

  3. In the New Password (again) box, retype the new password and click Submit.

    Tip: Click Help on the Change Password page for field details.

Manage your call settings

On the left navigation menu, click Call Settings to access the Call Settings page.

Use the Call Settings page to manage the Extension to Cellular or EC500 and Enhanced Call Forward features. Use these two features of MyPhone when you are out of the office.

Extension to Cellular (EC500)

The EC500 feature provides a different and more sophisticated integration for mobile users. It allows the incoming call to be bridged in parallel to both your desk phone and your mobile phone, which provides parallel operation and extended call identification. EC500 also extends the feature set of your phone system to a mobile phone, which is made more convenient by the Avaya One-X Mobile Client. You can use the Avaya One-X Mobile client to initiate calls from the mobile phone so that you can provide a single number to the outside work and have access to Communication Manager features.

To activate the EC500 feature, perform the following actions:

  1. In the Call me on box, enter the cellular phone number.

  2. Select Add Button.

    Note: Selecting the Add Button automatically adds an Extension to Cellular button to your desk phone. Otherwise, you manually assign an Extension to Cellular button to your desk phone from the Features menu.

  3. Click Submit.

Enhanced Call Forward

Use the Enhanced Call Forward feature to forward unanswered calls based on a set of defined rules. Calls can be forwarded to different destinations based on whether the incoming call is internal or external and whether your phone is busy or not when the call arrives.

You can set the following rules:

To set the Enhanced Call Forward rules, perform the following actions:

  1. Enter the numbers in the Forwarded Destination fields as required.

  2. Select Active.

  3. Click Submit.

View and manage your devices

On the left navigation menu, click My Devices to access the My Devices page.

Use the My Devices page to access the following information of your SIP phone:

Manage your phone features

On the left navigation menu, click Features to access the Features page.

Use the Features page to change or assign a feature to a phone button. By default, Button 01, Button 02, and Button 03 are assigned as Station Call Appearances. You cannot change or assign features to these buttons.

To change or assign a feature, perform the following actions:

  1. Click Change Buttonxx, where xx is a number. The displays the Feature Button Configuration for button xx page.

  2. From the drop-down menu, select the feature you want to assign to the button.
    The system displays a brief description of the feature. Some of the features require additional configuration information.

    Note: You can assign a feature to a phone button only if the button is enabled by the administrator.

  3. Click Change MyPhone Feature Button.

H.323 Interface

You can use the H.323 interface of MyPhone to do the following:

View your MyPhone details

On the left navigation menu, click MyPhone to access the MyPhone page. By default, the MyPhone page is displayed when you log on to the H.323 interface of MyPhone Configuration Manager. The following table lists the MyPhone field details:

Table 1: MyPhone Page Field-Details Table



Displayed Name

Displays the name of the user.

For Extension

Displays the extension number of the user's phone.

Station Type

Displays the model number of the station.

Display Language

View and set the local language of your phone.

Ringing Pattern

View and set the ringing pattern of your phone.

Change the H.323 password

The procedure to change the H.323 password is similar to the procedure to change the SIP PIM password. For more information, see the Change your SIP PIM Password section.

Manage your call settings

The procedure to manage the calls settings of the H.323 interface is similar to managing the calls settings of the SIP interface. For more information, see the Manage your call settings section.

Manage your phone features

The procedure to manage the phone features of the H.323 interface is similar to managing the phone features of the SIP interface. For more information, see the Manage your phone features section.

Logging off

Click Logoff.

The system displays the MyPhone Home page.